Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who Let The Dogs Out !!!

Chewie and I went to a spiffy human/doggie restaurant on Deepavali called Pawtobello at Mohd Sultan Road.

We'd signed up for this Paw Wow event organised by a radio station (93.8 Live). The event was supposed to include a talk on aromatherapy for our furry friends. Not to be too critical, we found the speaker a little too pretentious and not at all informative. She was fudging over subjects and did not answer questions to the point. I'm still not sure how aromatherapy can help Chewie.

Anyway, it was still a fun day for Chewie because she got to meet so many dogs!! There was a super friendly Rottweiler (who was posing as a Golden Retriever that day. shhh...) and some hyper spaniels. Some dogs were barky and some dogs were shy. Others liked to snap and smell. But one thing's for sure - they were all spoilt pooches!


Enjoy the video :)

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