Friday, February 16, 2007

Help! Hot Hands!!

My hands are HOT HOT HOT!!!!! Left hand more than my right. I was cutting chillies to make chilli sauce - the large ones and the small tiny super hot chilli padi.

HELP!! Can somebody tell me what's the secret to relief my hot hot hands?? I know there's a remedy out there.... !!!

Actually my helper already made a bottle but I said we need MORRRRRE because I know my friends are such Chilli Kings & Queens. So I decided to do the cutting myself since Dina complained of her hot hands when she did the first batch!

Easy what, riiight?? And I even wore plastic transparent gloves! Snip snip snip... No problem!!! NOooooooo... not when I got to the HOT ONES!! And then thin plastic just didn't cut it and couldn't protect my fingers. I suspect I must've even cut through and made some holes.

Anyway, I managed to finish the task and tried to wash off the heat from my hands with a little basil water but now my hands are still getting hotter and hotter as I type... Why...!!??!! Strange...!!!!

To those of you coming on Monday and if you eat THIS bottle of chilli, I hope you guys appreciate it!!! hehehe....

The product of my pain and suffering... arrrrgghhhh...... LOL...
Chilli ground with ginger and onions.

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