Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Faces of Saigon

Can you tell I missed my dog? I keep seeing Chewie everywhere!! And my searches on the web for the Vietnamese word for dog (Chó - the way the lady at a Ao Dai shop said it, it sounded like "Choarr") came up with various horrifying links and pictures of Vietnamese eating Dog Meat! Couldn't bear to look at them.

Cute doggies, but not so clean - I guess if the owners don't bathe, why bother bathing the dogs? They get dirty so fast anyway...

There was a guy selling dogs on the street. He had a cage with at least 5 dogs inside, not counting the 2 little puppies he was carrying and 1 big one sitting on top. Quite pitiful. He shouted at me for taking pictures, so we scurried away.

Touts and street peddlers were everywhere and they don't give up easily. I was offered the waffles to 'try please' but I respectfully declined. Apparently, if you buy from one, all of them will herd after you!

Whatever you want, you name it, they'll have it. Their stalls are portable and movable. Food stalls have tables and chairs that are not of the normal height - didn't take a picture unfortunately. They're low and you kinda sit/squat on the low stools.

The most popular item in Saigon must be the face mask - almost all the motorcyclists wear them. They come in all sizes and patterns, suitable for kids from 1 to 92, some covering down to the neck, attached with velcro at the back of the head. The whole dusty city seems to be a gigantic construction site - nothing seems to be finished. It's like somebody forgot about the work in progress and just packed up and left. Having said that, it's quite amazing that at the end of the day, your nose-shit is not black in colour, like it would be if you were in Hongkong!

Street scenes in Saigon :


su said...

So, looks like you gals made ao dais? When do we get to see you wear them?

Kakatua said...

No, just Viv did. Get her to wear it during CNY! I can't button up around the chest and everything else is too long that if top is cut, pattern below is sacrificed. Banish the myth that the shops can whip up a suit in 24 hours. The cloth is pre-cut to petite sizes.