Monday, April 03, 2006

Codename DecoyDog Dum-de-dum-dum...

The pictures you are about to see are true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent...

This is the city, Singapore, population 4.3 million and growing. I work here. I wear a collar and a name tag. My name is ..

DecoyDog. (dum-de dum-dum!)

My mummy and godma dress in IndianaJanes attire and call out my name. I respond with a ready bark. Head held high, we are ready to set off. I pose in front of the cache-mobile.

Our mission is clear. Uncover the cache, sign the log and disappear from sight.

But there's no need to drive today. The cache was something 'Controversial'. We traversed the newly built SMU (Singapore Management University). The sunlight irritated my eyes. I had to close them. No choice.

At the cache site, we dodged matt-gangs and kopitiam patrons eating char-kway-teow (sniff.. licks lips). My job was to distract everyone so that they look at me. I act cute and smell their legs and flash my ribbon. Very soon, the cache was at hand!

.. by which time, my tongue was a foot long and I badly needed a drink. Back to the home coords for some R & R and de-brief.

Days or weeks later (who knows?), new mission appeared and another adventure was about to begin! It started as a shell or sea-harm or a barrel. We looked high and we looked low. We looked over the barrel and under and all around the statues (certain parts of the pictures have to be blurred to protect the identity of IndianaJanes). The cache was hard to find. Sweat and saliva dripped to the ground. We finally sniffed it out. It was a tiny little rusty metal box. Never seen such a small thing before. Interesting.

My job is demanding. I have to keep constant watch over IndianaJanes and also strangers. Sometimes we fight dragons and lizards.

We climb the hills and scale walls.

We brave the waterspoutss and swim across channels.

I was almost in an LRT (Light Rail Transit) once. VERY near. I got to wear a pretty little green bone. But it's not my name tag.

But no matter what, when we complete a mission, the most rewarding thing of all to me, is to get a pat on the head and a tickle on the chin from IndianaJanes.

IndianaJanes: "Well done, DecoyDog!"
DecoyDog: "woof!"

In a town like Singapore, anything can happen.

DecoyDog, out.

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